Reviewed by CHTraveler from Chapel Hill, NC, USA on March 07, 2014
Very good substitute for a gourmet product no longer available locally. Like it enough that we've purchased a 5-pound bag in each of our last 2 orders!
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Reviewed by Ferret Rescuer from Michigan, USA on March 02, 2013
I use a typical auto drip, higher end Mr Coffee. The flavor is strong, so i am diluting it with my plain coffee and that works out well for me. Even makes it last longer which is a bonus.
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Reviewed by Vmac from Santa Rosa California, USA on July 21, 2019
Not what I was looking for in taste. Too much vanilla and nutty flavor
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Reviewed by Sophie from Arlington Hts, IL, USA on January 20, 2009
Have been using this flavor for years. Mix it with half regular coffee. Yum!
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Reviewed by Coffee lover from Chapel Hill, NC, USA on December 10, 2012
For a few years, we had purchased and enjoyed a cappuccino blend from a local shop, but their distributor discontinued the product. the San Marco blend is closest to the blend we enjoyed in the past.
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Reviewed by CH Traveler from Chapel Hill, NC, USA on August 20, 2013
Really enjoyable & flavorful coffee.
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Reviewed by Adam from Allentown pa, USA on April 16, 2020
Love mixing the blends as well.
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Reviewed by Jeff4Him from Bradenton, FL, United States on March 28, 2021
This is the smoothest coffee we have ever ground and brewed.
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Reviewed by Dee Dee from Elizabethtown, Ky, USA on June 21, 2009
Still trying to figure out how you got the foamed milk flavor into the bean. The coffee is great!
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Reviewed by Cubbyk from Florida, USA on December 05, 2009
I just love coffee. I grind my own beans. Purchased a $39 Cuisanart griner. I have bought 6 different whole beans from San Marco. I have a little white board on my cabinet, and I write down the cofee I make in the morning for my wife and daughter to see. This Cappacinno is incredible. Add a little vanilla creamer and you are in heaven. The aroma fill the house, the taste is wonderful, and I will be ordering my second 5 lb bag of beans very soon!
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