Reviewed by Kris from Detroit, USA on October 08, 2020
Sorry it's really hit or miss with the different flavors. This one was a miss.
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Reviewed by Jimmie Blue from Winchester, Va, USA on July 25, 2020
Excellent breakfast coffee
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Reviewed by Jimmy from Winchester virginia, USA on May 22, 2020
Always use as my morning coffee.
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Reviewed by Gr8 grandma from Delta, CO, USA on April 13, 2019
I mix it 1/2 and 1/2 with a black, non flavored coffee.
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Reviewed by Judy R from Salem, NH, USA on September 22, 2017
It smells delicious, very strong maple aroma, but it is lacking in the bacon area which is a bummer! The taste is good as well, but again this should be advertised as Maple coffee because there is no bacon taste.
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Reviewed by Java D from Greensboro, NC, USA on March 21, 2017
Smells amazing and not overly maple
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Reviewed by Jen from MD, USA on March 11, 2017
Would love to see more bacon and maple flavor.
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Reviewed by ColoQuilter from Aurora, CO, USA on March 07, 2017
We make at least 1 pot of Maple Bacon every day!
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Reviewed by nystrata from bangor, pa, USA on February 23, 2015
brew for breakfast or evening time to relax
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Reviewed by PLUMBER from MIAMI BEACH, USA on December 27, 2014
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