

  • Product Id: B-2750
  • Manufacturer: San Marco Coffee

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4.82 out of 5 stars

An all time favorite!

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An all time favorite!


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Great taste
Reviewed by Shoplady from New York, NY, USA on October 21, 2018
Tastes like the Dunkin Donuts Pistachio that is only offered seasonally. wish the cups were labeled.
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Definitely my favorite from this purchase
Reviewed by Mneme from Los Angeles, CA, USA on June 01, 2018
I used it originally in a French press, but San Marco's coffees are generally light, so a pour-over works best. This was by far my favorite coffee from this purchase. This one actually held its scent and the flavor was just as delightful. The only thing it was missing was a bolder 'oomph' that comes from a bolder, stronger bean. Be careful if you touch any of the flavored beans, as it'll leave that slightly greasy, chemical residue and scent behind. Wasn't a con with this roast, however as a pistachio gelato aroma is always a welcomed linger.
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Love This Flavor
Reviewed by Karen from Pittsburgh, PA, USA on November 21, 2016
This is one of my two favorite flavors. I am not certain that I would describe the flavor as exactly pistachio, but it is fantastic! It is so smooth, with absolutely no bitterness. I drink it all the time. You will not be disappointed if you give it a try. I highly recommend it.
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Takes like Amaretto
Reviewed by Karen from Wexford, PA, USA on November 06, 2015
It tastes a bit like amaretto to me. I was expecting something else. But it's good; full flavored.
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I love this flavor
Reviewed by Alice's Dad from Northern NJ, USA on September 16, 2014
My favorite flavor from San Marco. This is a great flavored coffee, best when straight out of the pot. As a black coffee drinker who adds nothing to the brew, I appreciate the flavor and hint of sweetness in this coffee. It also has a great aroma.
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A great flavor and amazing smell
Reviewed by Alice's Dad from Bergen County, NJ, USA on June 15, 2013
A great flavor, perfectly consistent after every order. This is my other favorite San Marco coffee flavor, the other being Totally Nuts. Using 5 heaping scoops (standard 2 tsp sized scoop) of whole beans prior to grinding makes a 10 cup pot of coffee at a perfect strength.
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Wonderful aroma!
Reviewed by kc from New Berlin,Wi, USA on March 26, 2012
Very nice aroma and great flavor. Not bitter and leaves no after taste.
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Reviewed by Patty from Bernardsville, NJ, USA on March 21, 2012
Tried this for first time at my gal friends house. Loved it then and still love it. I will buy this one again and again.
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Reviewed by OntheRun from King of Prussia,Pa, USA on January 13, 2012
morning joe
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sooooo good
Reviewed by willy from baltimore md, USA on February 15, 2011
if you love pistachio ice cream. you will love this coffee
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